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WEEK 1: Unit Introduction

(1) Watch presentation:
"What is a robot?"


(2) Complete research task:
"What is a robot?"


(3) Make your Weebly Site:
This document will guide you through making a Weebly site. Your teacher will also help you do this during class.


This video shows you how to create a Weebly site. It is good to refer to if you have forgotten any of the steps involved with developing your Weebly site.

WEEK 2: Developing Weebly & Building your Robot

(1) Develop your Weebly site:

To understand what pages your Weebly site should have, plus the headings needed:


(2) Teams:

For the robot challenges, you will be working in pairs. By the end of this week, you need to determine who will be your team-mate, and decide on a team name.


You must email your team members and name to your teacher:


You also need to read the following document, and develop 3 ground rules for your team.


(3) Build and Bond:


In class, we are using 2 models of the Lego Robotics Kits:


EV3 and NXT


Both robot models are capable of the same tasks, and challenges have been designed to offer equality to both robot models.


Over two lessons, you will need to build and bond with your robot.




Click here for NXT model instructions

(1) Design Challenge 1:

You will have three lessons to program your robot to complete a simple obstacle course.







(2) Progress Report #2: Reflection of Challenge 1

You will reflection activity the activity set below. This response to this activity must be completed on the RESEARCH page of your Weebly site.



WEEKS 3+4: Challenge 1

(3) Action/Time Plan


Below is the Action/Time Plan we are following for this course. Include this document in your site, in the MAKE page.


WEEKS 5+ 6: Challenge 2

(1) Design Challenge 2:

You will have three lessons to program your robot to complete a simple line-follower challenge. 







(2) Progress Report #3: Reflection of Challenge 2

You will complete the activity set below. This response to this activity must be completed on the RESEARCH page of your Weebly site.



WEEKS 7-8: Challenge 3

(1) Design Challenge 3:

You will have three lessons to modify the build of your robot and program it to compete in the tug o war challenge.







(2) Progress Report #4: Reflection of Challenge 3

You will complete the activity set below. This response to this activity must be completed on the RESEARCH page of your Weebly site.



(1) Assessment Challenge:

You will have two weeks to program your robot to complete the final assessment challenge. You need to document all your testing and programming on your IDEAS page. Your teacher will give you the details to this section.




(2) Evaluation:

Complete the evaluation using the "4P's" method. Do this on your EVALUATION page.


4 P's:






WEEKS 8-10: Assessment Challenge Commences

WEEKS 11-12: De-Build Robot

(1) De-Build your Robot

It's time to say goodbye to your robots! Fix robot kits, and check that all your pieces are there.




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